The EMR is taught to the US National EMS Scope of Practice Model. Emergency Medical Responders provide immediate lifesaving care to critical patients. EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS resources to arrive. EMRs also provide assistance to higher-level personnel at the scene of emergencies and during transport. Emergency Medical Responders are a vital part of the comprehensive EMS response. Under medical oversight, Emergency Medical Responders perform basic interventions with minimal equipment.
EMRs often work in organisational Emeregency Response Teams, as well as with Emergency Medical Services providers.
The course runs over three weekends.
Hybrid Course Outline
Classroom Course Outline
Day 1: Basic Life Support
Day 2: EMS Fundamentals, Patient Assessment, Vital Signs, Homeostasis, Introductory A&P
Day 5: Anatomy & Physiology of the The Nervous System and associated pathophysiologies
Day7: Other Medical Illness & Emergencies
Day 10: Environmental Medicine, Operations, MCIs, Disasters, Terrorism, Special Operations
By request, the course can be condensed to 10 days.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive an internationally recognised EMR certification from Austere & Emergency Medicine International, valid for two (2) years. Re-certification can be achieved by attending a refresher course, or by completing a portfolio of ongoing learning and taking the re-certification exam.

Location & Logistics
The course starts promptly at 0830 each morning and will end around 1830 hrs. Please be prepared to commit additional time to homework and self study.
In terms of accommodation, there are three very convenient places to stay close to the training venue which can be booked using Agoda/booking.com etc. There are a few restaurants for breakfast/dinner.
- M Design Hotel– Budget Friendly. 10 minutes by taxi, 34 minutes walk (2.7 km)
- Garden Inn Hilton – A little more comfortable. 15 minutes by taxi. Not walkable. (9.2 km)
- Le Meridien – More upscale. 10 minutes by taxi (8.4km)
If you want to stay in another part of the city the city you can expect to spend 30-60 minutes each way in a taxi.
Course fees includes lunches on course days, tea, coffee, water, fruit and light snacks.
What to bring
Participants should bring a notepad and pen.
Those attending should wear sturdy, closed toe shoes, a raincoat and clothes that are ok to get wet/dirty/ripped/stained.